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Highlands On The Fly Knitting Retreat
Friday, March 30, 2012
Episdoe 54: I want a job...
Honey has been home on vacation, working around house, but not much to talk about here this week. Have done some running. Gonna run a 5k with Boutrosbabe this summer... we discussed it last week when she was here! YEP!
Been cold here... snow coming tonight and tomorrow... ugh.
No News on the job yet. I called Tuesday and have gotten no response. Worried, but not panicing quite yet. Spoke to a pilot last night with some news
New bid is out for Cape Air, but not due until next week. So hoping to get get news on the freight job and not have to do the Cape Air bid at all!
BFF from High School's baby shower is tomorrow. Sent her present off and it should be there today, with plenty of time before the shower.
Heading up to see Heather and honey this weekend. Gonna help her for a full day and wind her enough sock yarn to dye for the next week! (i hope)
Civil War Shawl
- 620 stitches/round - On round 106 so far.
- Out of
Great Lakes Hand Dyed - Jet Stream
Scrap Yarn Rug
Sister Shawl - Tracy Shawl
By Wendy D. Johnson
Baby Bib - Sugar and Cream. One evening. Basically a dishcloth with i-cord
Take Off:
More baby stuff for friend and Honey socks, I think... I have been kind of random and spontaneous lately with my knitting!
Ground Stop:
Nothing - been a busy week!
Knit 1 Heart 2 - Fundraiser for Sheila's Son's
Marathon Rep, Paul!
Every $5 gets an entry for prizes, anything $25 or higher gets you an entry for Wollmeise!
Thanks to Wendy for gifting me her
Lotus Flower sock pattern
Thoughts to Wendy on her surgery today!
Knitters for Knockers
- Meliabella from the His and Hers Podcast
Rainlover Knits -
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
Pattern by LaughLoveKnit -
Pillars of Strength
proceeds are split between Melissa and Sarah
My Sister is walking for
The American Heart Association
if anyone wants to donate to that and for the
Humane Society
, in separate events.
KAL using Hiwasee Dyeworks yarn!
Link to her group for ideas for patterns
! Anything you want!
Podcasts I've watched lately:
Retro Lemon Studio's Podcast with Jenna
Caffeinated Knitting Podcast with Daniela
The Knitting Game
with Lesley
Suezee - has a
! :)
Knit Me Happy
with Rachel
Listening to
Rebellion Radio - The Hunger Games Podcast
Special TFR:
Wild Fibers magazine - my friend Linda
Friday, March 23, 2012
Episode 53: SO MUCH BABBLE(long)
Phone Interview, so I really didn't travel... but it was important! Called today for update. Waiting!!!!!
Felt very under the weather last week... like days 3-5 of the flu from before.
Friday I felt better and went to Augusta to meet Ellen, Vicrock on Rav.
She judges cat shows! I went to the cat show! WOW!
Road tripped with honey to work on Sunday, knit, hung out and drove home with him late Sunday night.
4.42 miles "walk" on Monday! Great beach and wildlife(and trash)
Worked around house, garden etc. Honey dug up garden, I dug up horseradish, fail! Gonna get more tomorrow
Honey has almost all week off next week! WHEE! So excited! He SO deserves some time off
Upcoming: Hunger Games Premiere weekend on Sunday! Wedding in April in MN
Civil War Shawl
- 620 stitches/round - On round 106 so far.
Sister Shawl - Tracy Shawl
By Wendy D. Johnson
Scrap Yarn Rug
- Crochet Using up my cotton stash!
Baby socks
Take Off:
Zauberball vanilla socks using the
fleegle heel
on an adult sock?
Hitchhiker or Trillian in the Jet Stream Colorway also I think
Very little bit on the wheel... not much patience with it this week.
Ground Stop:
Gorgeous outside... don't wanna craft! Wanna play outside!
Knitabulls - Thanks for the pick me up!
Thanks to Ellen for the treats!
Towels and Goodies from Knitalittle in TX! Love her little treats! Planning a trip to drop things off next week.
Amazon thanks! Love looking at the stuff! Here is what I see! No personal info anywhere!
Thanks to Rae Lynn and Saeli for the bday/pick me up gift!
Bday Presents from Heather!
Special TFR:
- is a flavoring for fish, chicken, fruit, veggies... fave is on Apples and fish so far. Thanks to Knitalittle for the treat! You are officially my supplier, if I can't find it here!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Episode 52: Lots of Travel
Travel to Dallas was exciting, ended up in Shreveport
Conference Review: Ran into Susan, Connie, Tori, missed Romayne!
Met with a bunch of ravelers! Sarah (rainlover), Dawn(texaspurlgurl), Diana (disfordiana), Alissa (KnittingFairy), Melanie (ntrlycrly), Liz (happytexan), Sherilyn (Sherilyn), Tasha (bijouxmaster), Angela (AngelaRWB)
Got to see some old friends that I haven't seen in 7 years!
Travel back was great, flew into Boston, jumped up on Cape Air
Birthday fun! Funfetti Cake, Sweatshirt, entry fee's to WAI, roadhouse certs, $$, cards, sushi, Keag Breakfast,
Been getting some late night fueling to help the pay situation!
Interrupting Cow Socks
Manhattan Socks - COFY
Civil War Shawl
- 620 stitches/round - On round 106 so far.
Baby socks
Sister Shawl - Tracy Shawl
By Wendy D. Johnson
Baby Socks
Aviatrix Hat
- from Tintagal Farms
Ground Stop:
Birthday Weekend!
Thanks to the winners! Quick contact by so many of you, elizstitches sent a gift to help with shipping... not necessary, but thanks! Hope you like your bag!
Thanks to Sherilyn for the cowl ! so squishy!
Package from Stephanie from the cuddles KAL from Sadie. Awesome BFL/Silk
Birthday gifts: Kathom(
rosebud trellis cowl
), AsuzeN(
woobie monkey
), NoteableNeedle(
Sock Monkey Earflap hats
), froggymonkey(
giraffe woobie
), Tavy(
Take Flight
), AppleblossomSF(
), HippiePenguin(
momo tickle monster
), Suezee(
Mable Socks
), Knitabulls(
waterville hat
), Playwithcolors(
contrast and complement
), laughlovenknit(
), fourkittieshavei(
curve of pursuit
), MargoKP(
Koi Rama
), Sadie(
olga's vest
), Mad79(
Monkey Lovie
), Jocelyn and Meg(
Berrima Scarf
), I think that is all of them, if I missed one let me know!
Amazon thanks again!
Jet Stream Yarn from Liz
Great Lakes Hand Dyed.
Coupon code for Great Lakes Hand Dyed. use
Goodies from the conference.
Missed out on the bid last week. Have a phone interview for something new this week!
Special TFR:
Good friends and Honey!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Episode 51: Podcaster PJ Party
58 hours of work in 4 days. First day was blizzard-ed out! Stayed home safely. Drove to AUG at 420am on Friday. Work was a little cray but ended up working out of RKD for the weekend. Got lots of knitting time with breaks all weekend.
Had to drive back from AUG on Sunday night, ended up putting the plane away and getting some extra $$
Found out they probably will not use me on the Pilatus... feel betrayed yet again. UGH!
Bidding for a spot in one of 5 spots: get me back in the groove for summer in RKD.
Baby shower March 31st, not sure if I'll make it but am trying to get stuff done.
Interrupting Cow Socks
Manhattan Socks - COFY
Civil War Shawl
- 620 stitches/round - On round 106 so far.
Baby socks
Sister Shawl - Tracy Shawl
By Wendy D. Johnson
????? crickets ??????
Take Off:
Ummm... baby stuff??
- from Tintagal Farms
Ground Stop:
58 hours of work cut into my crafting time at home.
Trifecta of Awesome Fiber Club - First shipment from Heather of
Highland Handmades.
Shetland Fiber - As you wish colorway from The Princess Bride LOVE!
CJ Kopec -
Guts, Grit and Pink Lipstick
new vidcast. Can't believe I forgot to mention it last week.
Thanks for feedback on book and hat... hat is gonna be tough for me.
Thanks to the podcasters who are recording in their PJ's... I appreciate you playing along! I haven't caught up with everyone, so I'm not going to name the ones I have or have not seen yet... but thanks for participating and being relaxed with yourself and amusing all of us viewers!
Drawing for prizes in the Snuggles Thread! Get you number! Congrats everyone!
DPN holder from Carolyn of the Girlfriends Knitting Podcast. Also got stitch markers and a row counter from
! Never knew how to use it!
Sister update - Upper GI scope next week. She is very positive and ready to take it on and be healthy again once the problem is resolved!
Thank you Amazon shoppers! Kindle buyers!!! Thank you!
Special TFR:
Draw Something - Froggymonkey mentioned it, and then I started seeing people mention it on their podcasts, so i'm not sure where the ball started rolling... but it is very fun!
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